Sunday, March 2, 2008

Book XI: The underworld

Once I had reached the underworld, I tried my hardest to follow the instructions given to me by Kirkes. So with the previous knowledge I contained, I summoned the spirits of the dead, by pouring libiations, and making sacrafices. One of the first diseased i see is Elpenor, a crewmember who had broken his neck, and he asks me to give his dead body a proper burial. I then receive advice from Teiresias, he advises me to stay clear of the flocks of the sun, or else I would endure more suffering. He also fortells my future, and speaks to me about when I return home. I encounter my mother in the underworld, and learn to find that she died of heartache because I never returned home. This pains me, as no son wants to be the cause of their own mothers death. As I continued to tell the story to the Phaiakians they want me to continue with my tails of the underworld, but I wish for a bit of rest. However I continue to share my stories. I witnessed  horrible sights of the poor souls in the underworld, being tortured. As i recall these memories i wish to never endure such tortures and pains. And to just have my life be fun-filled and easy. Those were my thoughts then and now, and I just wish to settle things with my own soul. 

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