Thursday, March 13, 2008

Book XX: All troubles

Sleep would not come to me. My worries continued about the suitors, and me and Telemakhos not being able to conquer them. The fear continues to creep into my mind. My worries should not be taking me over, especially at this crucial time. Athena however calms me down a little, i know i can always count on her to help me in times of distress. My son and I need to stay strong and defend ourselves. We should probably just kill the suitors already. My wife becomes nervous and restless in her sleep as well. I pray to the great lord Zeus for a sign of encouragement, for something to let me know that i will be able to make it through. It is answered by a loud clash of thunder. The following day the suitors had continued to plan Telemakhos's death, and Amphinomus tells them to keep him alive. Horrible fait awaits the suitors as once again an eagle appears. I found it ironic how in my wife's dream there was an eagle and now one has appeared. At dinner the suitors continue to be their rude selves, and Athena helps me control myself, and control them. They are so annoying it drives me off the walls. As dinner nears an end, the horrible doom that awaits the suitors grow, and they soon become covered in blood along with the walls around them. 

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