Thursday, February 7, 2008

Book II: Out at Sea

New new's from the gods has reached me, and I can see what is happening on Ithika. It pains me to see my son suffer so much social rejection and humiliation. The assembally has gathered once again, without me present this time, the Telemakhos had a hard time controlling the group. The suitors continue to mock him when he stands up for me, and what he thinks is right. I pray for him. Athena speaks to him again in disguise. Athena has helped Telemakhos gather up crew mates to go on a search for me. The crew leaves secretly, without telling my wife. She will be pained when she hear's the news of the whereabout's of Telemakhos. I'm praying to the gods, espectially Poseidon, I pray he takes pitty on my son and his crew, for son's always intend to do good for their father, and always want to keep the family name held in high regards. That is Telemakhos's plan, and once I agian I pray that he will succeed.

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