Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Book X: All is Fair in Love and War

The great gift of the bag of wind. How that could've helped me so much, if only my crew mates had kept their trust in me. We had seen Ithika from our ships, and the crew suspected that i had gold and silver hidden from them, and they opened the bag, and the winds blew us all the way back to Aeolia. Once returning we recieved no further help, and tried to row our back back, ending up on Laestrygonians where giants lived, and the only escaping ship happened to be mine. From there i sailed to the land where the goddess witch Circe lived. Where the crazy witch turned my crew into pigs. Help from the god hermes, in disguise, allowed me to escape the fate of also becoming a pig, which is a relief, as i do not enjoy filth. I was then chosen to become Circe's lover, and my crewmates and I lived with her for a year, until my crewmantes force me to leave and return on our journey homeward. We find out that we must sail to hades, and my crew is not pleased, and neither am i. But to return home, i guess im going to have to stick it out. My anticipation then still was growing as i felt the need to return home, but the want was there, but lacking. I knew my family was waiting. An absent father is not something i planned on being, or continually becoming. When coming into the world of marriage, one does not expect to be so absent, or have another lover. My mind began to race.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Book 9: Let the tales begin

I've spilled my aventure stories to the Phaeacians. The battles at troy, with Poseidons son, the cyclops, and all has been revealed. It feels good to be able to share my stories with people, as i had been stranded with Kaylpso for such a long time. It was intruiging recaping my story with Poseidon's son, because it has often been on my mind as i begin to think about setting sail home. The revenge that he set on me, which is in my destiney will soon be set forth. Poseidon is out to get me, and i need help from my grey-eyed goddess. It was sad recalling the deaths of some of my men however, because i always feel as though i couldve done more to save them. As my time narrowed down with the Phaeacians, i realized how much closer i am to facing the salty sea again, and also being reunited with my family. Fears fill me of both toughts, along with excitement and anticipation. With a doomed destiney on sea, and Poseidons notorious temper, one couldn't help but be scared.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Book VIII: Homeward bound

NOW IM FREE! I've been released from the king and princess, and am officially on my way homeward. Though it was tough sticking it out with the king, i shed a couple tears, it must be genetic. I participated in the sporting events of their town, and i owned at the discus, and must admit i enjoyed myself. But there is so much more to the word than athletic appearance and athletics. Having a smart mind can get you far also. My longing for home grew stronger and stronger and my emotions grew wild. I knew that i had to return home, and prayed that the king would release me. They treated me with hospitality, i was bathed and fed. Not until the very last day i stayed with them was i asked who i was, and about my full story. Troy was recalled and that was emotional but i stuck it out. The mind and the body work as one. When the fullfillments for each are not met, often the body begins to change. When my mind was discontent, my body was too. When my body felt weak my mind did too, which is what brought on my tears. I am greatful to be homeward bound.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Book V: My releasing

Kaylpso has set me freeee!!! Thanks to Hermes, who persuaded her to let me go, how greatful I am even though it was a hard journey. And surprisingly enough she sent me away with hospitality, clean, and fed. I miss my Penelope so much and can't wait to be reconnected with her. I was scared to face the dangerous waters, and had a good idea of what Posideons actions would be. Poseidon had an angry eye out for me, and planned on making the waters miserable to sail in, and he did. I was ripped off my raft, but Ino came to me, with advice that i took. I was to swim to shore once i was ripped off the raft, and i used her vail for help. I am tired and worn from me releasing, but thankful and happy. When being held captive that long, after being released, your soul is lifted. I just pray that my journey will continue, and Athena will come to help me like she once did...

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Book IV: All thanks to Athena

Again here i am, and yes! The truth has finally reached Telemakhos that I am alive! The joy i am feeling is overwhelming, my prayers have been answered! Now that he knows for certain i am alive, hopefully he will find me, or tell his mother. I wish to thank Menelaos for welcoming my son and telling him all about our battles at troy. And for telling him that i am stranded with Kalypso, and of course telling him that i am ALIVE! And to my dear grey-eyed goddess, I am so greatful she helped Telemakhos, and Penelope, she has saved me once again. Without Athena's help none of this could have happened. I will always pray to the Gods for help, for if they wish they will grant it. Praying to the Gods is a daily ritual, but when you need them most, they will help you--if they please. Athena has helped me through so much, and now she is helping my family, especially Telemakhos. My joy is all in thanks to Athena.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Book III: The feast

News has reached me once again, and my son Telemakhos had finally begun the real search. His search began with a full crew, including the grey eyed goddess Athena, in disguise. They sailed to talk to Nestor, and question him about his past with me. The information they received was of the past fights we had battled together, and his decision to flea, and mine to stay and please Agamemnon. Nestor can recognize the resemblance between my son and I, just by meeting him. Nestor advises my son to continue his journey to Pherai, and then to Lakedamion. As a father, I wish i could just contact my son and let him know that I am alive. I fear he is losing hope, and is starting to believe that I am dead. Losing contact with loved ones is hard, and even harder when they don't believe your alive. I will continually pray to the god's for their help.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Book II: Out at Sea

New new's from the gods has reached me, and I can see what is happening on Ithika. It pains me to see my son suffer so much social rejection and humiliation. The assembally has gathered once again, without me present this time, the Telemakhos had a hard time controlling the group. The suitors continue to mock him when he stands up for me, and what he thinks is right. I pray for him. Athena speaks to him again in disguise. Athena has helped Telemakhos gather up crew mates to go on a search for me. The crew leaves secretly, without telling my wife. She will be pained when she hear's the news of the whereabout's of Telemakhos. I'm praying to the gods, espectially Poseidon, I pray he takes pitty on my son and his crew, for son's always intend to do good for their father, and always want to keep the family name held in high regards. That is Telemakhos's plan, and once I agian I pray that he will succeed.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Book I: I can't wait to get on the road (sea) again.

Even though i am not present with my family currently, i have been informed from Gods of what has been happening back home with my wife and my son. I have been stranded with Kalypso, a goddess who is holding me captive. I'm having trouble reaching home also because of Poseidon, he has caused the sea's to harm me, and I have struggled through many storms. I take pity on my family right now, as they are enduring harsh criticism from the community. I pray to my wife, that she may believe that i am still alive, and for my son to pursue the hidden message Athena sent to him. I do need him to come find and save me. The gods have sent me on my life's journey. I need to endure these challenges for my family and my life. Everyone at one time in their life has to face challenges, and i now know mine. A man who has been away from his family and lost contact with them often loses hope of returning. This has begun to happen to me, and i have to stop the thought of never returning.

I can't wait to get on the Sea again, i pray that poseidon will take pity on me if i can even escape Kaylpso...