Sunday, March 9, 2008

Book XVI: Father and Son

As i talk with the swineheard Telemakhos approaches and greets us both. He continues to worry about the suitors, and I just wish he would be able to stand up to himself and believe in himself just a little more. When  I first see Telemakhos, I am disguised as an old beggar, and he doesn't recognize me. However, when we are left alone Athena comes and makes me appear younger, and more like my old self. Then Telemakhos soon realizes that it is me, his great father, Odysseus. We weep in joy together, and embrace. A messenger from the ship tells Ithika that Telemakhos has returned, and my wife Penelope is informed as well. My son and I begin to pot against the angry suitors and take back our home. I need to help him gain his self confidence, and become a true warrior. The world needs him to follow in my footsteps, to succeed in the life of battle. Back at home the suitors plot to kill my son, and marry my wife. I cannot lose my Island, as part of my return home I hope to regain control of my old home. A man who loses control of what he should be in power of, it takes a toll on himself. And I cannot let that toll take control of me. I must battle for my home, and battle for my family. 

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