Sunday, March 16, 2008

Book XXI: String the bow

The day has arrived where it is now time for Penelope to give in. The suitors have taken full control and now actually have a shot to become the new kind, and a husband to my wife. Penelope goes into the room where my bow is kept, and weeps when she takes it out. For I am sure it reminds her of me, and my past. Sadly the bow now represents her future, or what she expects her future to become. For the suitor who can string the bow and shoot it through  twelve axes successfully will take her hand in marriage. Telemakhos asks to be first to shoot the arrow, however, he fails to even string the bow. The suitors set everything up, necessary for the preparation, but they all cannot string the bow. While everything is taking place I need to secure the loyalty with Eumeaus and Philoetius, so I reveal the scar on my foot to show them that I truely am Odysseus. The suitors feel like they must make an offering, or sacrifice to the god of archery, Apollo, so that he may help them. However, I, the great Odysseus, comes to the suitors (disguised as a beggar still), and asks for a crack at stringing the bow. Grasping my old bow in my hands once again was a great feeling. I take the bow, grab the string and bring it up to down, stringing it with ease. Then I reached for the arrow, placed it in the string, and pulled back to my chin, and released. Everyone watched in awe as the bow soared through the air, through the twelve axes. A perfect shot. I have returned. 

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Book XX: All troubles

Sleep would not come to me. My worries continued about the suitors, and me and Telemakhos not being able to conquer them. The fear continues to creep into my mind. My worries should not be taking me over, especially at this crucial time. Athena however calms me down a little, i know i can always count on her to help me in times of distress. My son and I need to stay strong and defend ourselves. We should probably just kill the suitors already. My wife becomes nervous and restless in her sleep as well. I pray to the great lord Zeus for a sign of encouragement, for something to let me know that i will be able to make it through. It is answered by a loud clash of thunder. The following day the suitors had continued to plan Telemakhos's death, and Amphinomus tells them to keep him alive. Horrible fait awaits the suitors as once again an eagle appears. I found it ironic how in my wife's dream there was an eagle and now one has appeared. At dinner the suitors continue to be their rude selves, and Athena helps me control myself, and control them. They are so annoying it drives me off the walls. As dinner nears an end, the horrible doom that awaits the suitors grow, and they soon become covered in blood along with the walls around them. 

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Book XVIIII: Penelope's Dream

Penelope comes to me, because she has heard news of "the beggar". She asks me a bunch of questions to see if i really do know Odysseus. I describe myself, (Odysseus) in such details and accuracy that she becomes hysterical, and cries. She offers me her hospitality, a bed to sleep in for the night, which I decline, for I would feel more comfortable on the floor. However, I allow Eurekleyia to clean my feet. While she is scrubbing she finds a distinct scar on my foot and realizes that I am indeed Odysseus. I have Athena distract her so the secret isn't released and our plan can continue. Before Penelope returns to bed she recalls a dream to me, (the beggar). Its about a eagle that comes down and murders all of her geese. The twenty geese that belonged to her. I immediately connect this to the suitors that do indeed basically belong to Penelope. The eagle then declares that it is her husband, who has killed all of the geese. Its hard to not shout out to her that it will soon come true. But i know that I must remain silent to protect the future and the plan to kill the suitors. Penelope concurs that she will indeed marry to a suitor, the one who can shoot arrows through hoops the best. She has no idea what her dream really means, and how it connects to what I am really planning on doing. I pray that there is enough time. Keeping secrets that can effect the life of loved ones, or anyone, is the hardest thing to do. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Book XVIII: Odysseus learns

We often live through the Gods. We wait for them to decide on our fates, and for them to determine our present and our future. We are weak creatures for this, we must learn to control our own minds, and be self-aware. For depending on the Gods for too much can lead to misery, and defeat. However, searching for happiness, and strength cannot take you everywhere. You will need to seek help from family, and possibly the Gods. It is a difficult task to master, and accomplish, and many, like me are still trying to find ourselves, and our true happiness. You have to receive all that is handed to you by the Gods, and you have to always obey the law and keep order. I have learned this throughout my long journey, and it is key to accept the gifts, and let the Gods help you succeed, you just cannot depend on them for everything. To destroy the household of a man and dishonor his home and his wife,  is a dirty sin. When the master of the house comes home, it is best not to be there when he returns, for he shall not be happy. To end the matter, it will not end kindly, someone must die to end a battle. In my years of war I had to painfully learn that the hard way, you must battle until all enemy blood is shed. 

Monday, March 10, 2008

Book XVII: Take Down

My son, myself, and my wife. All together on Ithika again. The suitors need to be taken down, and my son and I must do it to protect our home. My wife begs for news of my whereabouts from Telemakhos and from others on the island. She must not be informed, for if she gains knowledge then we all will have to suffer later, in case the suitors every gain knowledge of my arrival. When disguised as a beggar I receive embarrassment and harassment; however, I return the anger with another argument back, and I suffer harsh blows. I see Telemakhos grow to become more and more like me, he himself begins to desire battle, and strive for glory. Eumaues finally leaves, and me and Telemakhos are left with the suitors, and I cannot wait to battle them, and regain power of my island, and my home. I cannot continue to leave pieces left behind, and hope for others to pick them up. One who doesn't fend for themselves, rarely succeeds for they cannot protect themselves against others.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Book XVI: Father and Son

As i talk with the swineheard Telemakhos approaches and greets us both. He continues to worry about the suitors, and I just wish he would be able to stand up to himself and believe in himself just a little more. When  I first see Telemakhos, I am disguised as an old beggar, and he doesn't recognize me. However, when we are left alone Athena comes and makes me appear younger, and more like my old self. Then Telemakhos soon realizes that it is me, his great father, Odysseus. We weep in joy together, and embrace. A messenger from the ship tells Ithika that Telemakhos has returned, and my wife Penelope is informed as well. My son and I begin to pot against the angry suitors and take back our home. I need to help him gain his self confidence, and become a true warrior. The world needs him to follow in my footsteps, to succeed in the life of battle. Back at home the suitors plot to kill my son, and marry my wife. I cannot lose my Island, as part of my return home I hope to regain control of my old home. A man who loses control of what he should be in power of, it takes a toll on himself. And I cannot let that toll take control of me. I must battle for my home, and battle for my family. 

Monday, March 3, 2008

Book XII: More tempting tales

The phakadeians still continue to pester me about my accounts at the sea, and about my past. So I continue to share with them my stories. And I tell them about burying Elpenors body, and releasing some of the guilt that I had with me. Also along with Elpenor, it was indeed my "last" night with Kirke's, and it was a strange sensation I felt: relief and pain. Later, as instructed I filled my mens' ears with beeswax; and I am tied up to the mast by my crew mates, this saves us from the land of Sirens, and saves my crew members from hearing the terrible shrieking noises. Then I begin to share my travels to the land that held a great monster Skylls and a crazy whirpool Kharbdis. As i recall these memories I realize how truely insane my life is. And of course my crew suffers a detour on Thrinacia, and we are kept there for a month due to weather conditions. My crew turns against me, and plots to ruin me. I am also picked on by Zues, and he sets a horrid storm about, and it causes me great difficulty. Yet another storm and my entire crew dies, leaving only me. I once again return to the island of Kirke, and i choose not to recall the memories there; on behalf of a husband, a captian, and a father.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Book XI: The underworld

Once I had reached the underworld, I tried my hardest to follow the instructions given to me by Kirkes. So with the previous knowledge I contained, I summoned the spirits of the dead, by pouring libiations, and making sacrafices. One of the first diseased i see is Elpenor, a crewmember who had broken his neck, and he asks me to give his dead body a proper burial. I then receive advice from Teiresias, he advises me to stay clear of the flocks of the sun, or else I would endure more suffering. He also fortells my future, and speaks to me about when I return home. I encounter my mother in the underworld, and learn to find that she died of heartache because I never returned home. This pains me, as no son wants to be the cause of their own mothers death. As I continued to tell the story to the Phaiakians they want me to continue with my tails of the underworld, but I wish for a bit of rest. However I continue to share my stories. I witnessed  horrible sights of the poor souls in the underworld, being tortured. As i recall these memories i wish to never endure such tortures and pains. And to just have my life be fun-filled and easy. Those were my thoughts then and now, and I just wish to settle things with my own soul.