Monday, February 18, 2008

Book V: My releasing

Kaylpso has set me freeee!!! Thanks to Hermes, who persuaded her to let me go, how greatful I am even though it was a hard journey. And surprisingly enough she sent me away with hospitality, clean, and fed. I miss my Penelope so much and can't wait to be reconnected with her. I was scared to face the dangerous waters, and had a good idea of what Posideons actions would be. Poseidon had an angry eye out for me, and planned on making the waters miserable to sail in, and he did. I was ripped off my raft, but Ino came to me, with advice that i took. I was to swim to shore once i was ripped off the raft, and i used her vail for help. I am tired and worn from me releasing, but thankful and happy. When being held captive that long, after being released, your soul is lifted. I just pray that my journey will continue, and Athena will come to help me like she once did...

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